Call to artists: accepting public art applications for The Cabins at Mountain Village
In collaboration with the Town of Mountain Village and TMVOA, Telluride Arts is seeking proposals from artists for a public art installation in the Mountain Village Center.
Up to ten artists will be selected to have designs reproduced on vinyl wraps for “The Cabins at Mountain Village”, dining pods made from refurbished gondola cabins located in the Mountain Village Center.
A $500 stipend will be awarded for each selected design that can be successfully translated to the three-dimensional vinyl wrap. The cost of installation will be covered by TMVOA.
The project’s goal is to help brand the Town of Mountain Village as a business and entertainment destination while also enhancing the Town of Mountain Village’s public spaces by adding vibrant works of art to surfaces in high visibility areas. These pieces of public art will enhance the visual character of our community, promote vitality, and turn ordinary spaces into community landmarks.