Comprehensive Plan public comments available online
The Town of Mountain Village has posted all public comments received regarding the Comprehensive Plan Amendment Process to our website for the community to review.
These public comments will be part of a Town Council Comprehensive Plan Work Session during the regular Town Council Meeting on December 9.
The comments are being made available to the public because the Town is committed to engaging in a transparent process as the proposed amendments to the town's master plan are discussed.
As one can see upon reviewing the document, the comments provide a flavor for the public's perspective on Comprehensive Plan issues. As the community moves forward with the amendment process, it is important for Town Council, as well as members of the public, to have a sense of where the community stands on certain issues.
The December 9 Town Council Meeting agenda and packet will available on the Town Council webpage per the Town's public noticing policy. The community is invited to attend this meeting (virtually or in-person) to provide in-person public comment.
For more information about the Comprehensive Plan amendment process, please visit our dedicated webpage.