June 2024 Mountain Village Minute
The Mountain Village Town Council held its regular monthly meeting last week on Thursday, June 20. Below you will find a recap of the meeting.
June 20 Meeting Highlights
- Council considered and approved a proclamation declaring June as Immigrant Heritage Month at the request of Tri-County Health Network.
- Community Development Director Amy Ward introduced Council to Erin Howe, the Town's new planning technician.
- Assistant Town Manager Michelle Haynes presented department updates from both April and May. Read department updates.
- Council approved an resolution authorizing the town manager to enter into event contracts for the Telluride Conference Center and approved an agreement assigning Conference Center contracts originally signed with Telluride Ski & Golf. View packet material.
- Council authorized an agreement between the Town of Mountain Village and Telluride Ski and Golf for use of the Zipcar Car Share Program. More information about this great program will be shared in the coming weeks.
- The Telluride Mountain Club presented a request for funding for the Mountain Village to Valley Floor singletrack connector trail. Council voted to contribute $150,000 to the Mountain Club's project.
- Council held its first reading of an ordinance calling for a special election and setting ballot questions regarding proposed amendments to the Mountain Village Charter. After public comment and council discussion, council voted 6-0 to forego a special election and add the ballot questions to the June 24, 2025 regular municipal election. Council also directed staff to remove the question regarding moving elections from June to July. A second reading of this revised ordinance is expected to be considered at the July 18 regular Town Council meeting.
- Council approved a resolution regarding a height variance application for Lot 165 Unit 2, TBD Cortina Drive.
- Council approved a second reading of an ordinance regarding CDC amendments to the Town's CDC environmental regulations regarding fire mitigation. The proposed changes are regarding required fire mitigation landscaping regulations to better meet best management practices. The changes are based on State and National standards.
- Council also received an update regarding the Village Court Apartments bus stop construction and funding timeline and voter registration at VCA.
- Assistant Town Manager Michelle Haynes and Environmental Efficiencies and Grant Coordinator Lauren Kirn led a presentation on Kamikatsu, Japan, a zero-waste community and provided information on the Town of Mountain Village's zero-waste efforts. View presentation material.
- Representatives from the Town of Telluride and Tri-County Health Network presented the latest on a proposed regional youth hangout and next steps. View presentation.
- Without taking action, Town Council held executive sessions to receive legal advice on specific legal questions, to determine positions relative to matters that may be subject to negotiations, develop strategy for negotiations and/or instruct negotiators in connection with the following items:
- A franchise agreement and use of Town rights of way
- Town of Mountain Village v. K. Alexander
- Acquisition of land
All Mountain Village Town Council meetings are live-streamed with a Zoom option for remote participation. You may watch this meeting on-demand on the Town’s website to learn more about a particular agenda item.
Town Council will hold its next regular meeting on Thursday, July 18. Meeting material is posted to the Town's website and distributed via email the Friday before each meeting.