Lot 109R Hotel Project application to be considered by Design Review Board Tuesday, May 31
During its regularly scheduled meeting on Thursday, May 5, the Mountain Village Design Review Board voted 7-1 to continue the consideration of a Major Planned Unit Development (PUD) Amendment to the Lot 109R to May 31, 2022.
The Design Review Board will revisit this application at 10 a.m. Tuesday, May 31.
The request has been submitted by Tiara Telluride, LLC (the applicant) which recently purchase the Mountain Village Hotel site, located where the North Village Center Parking Lot currently sits. The 109R PUD was first approved in 2010 and has received two PUD amendments that extended its vesting period, now set to expire in December of 2022.
“This major PUD amendment process is different in process from a new PUD. It is technically a two-step process requiring a recommendation from the Design Review Board and Town Council action,” said Mountain Village Housing and Planning and Development Services Director Michelle Haynes. “However, we expect additional meetings to accommodate the DRB’s two-step design review. The applicant will also need Town Council consent on the requested replat as it affects Village Center Open Space.”
The amendments include minor adjustments to density with significant design changes including an increase in height and average height of the proposed development. Despite the constraints of a Major PUD amendment’s process, the redesign is complex and the PUD requested variations and public benefits are requested to be modified through this process.
The proposed concept design is comprised of a minimum of 62 hotel rooms, employee housing, condominiums, lodge units and commercial space including restaurants, retail and event space. A letter of intent has been provided to the Town by Six Senses, a luxury hotel brand, indicating they will be the operators of the proposed property.
The PUD amendments requested by the developers will be evaluated against the public benefits of the project. Town Council is the decision maker and public benefits discussions is scheduled to begin at Town Council’s next regularly scheduled meeting on June 16, 2022, provided a DRB recommendation occurs at this special meeting in May 31.
To view the application material, which includes preliminary sketches and plans for the development, please visit the Town’s current planning webpage at townofmountainvillage.com/current-planning.
Written public comments on the proposal may be addressed to the Design Review Board and Town Council and sent to .
The Mountain Village Town Council is expected to review this application at its June 16, 2022 meeting should DRB make a recommendation.
The public is invited to attend all hearings meetings virtually or in person. Meeting info and Zoom log-in information will be available once meeting material is posted on the Mountain Village Design Review Board webpage.