Lot 161CR Four Seasons Hotel Project PUD second reading to be moved to a new special meeting date
Town of Mountain Village staff is recommending that the Mountain Village Town Council move the second reading, public hearing and council vote on an ordinance considering the Final Site-Specific Planned Unit Development (SPUD) for the Lot 161CR Four Seasons Hotel Project to a new date, to be determined by Council on Thursday, August 25.
“Staff and applicant have agreed to recommend continuation in order to give more time to finalize the necessary documents and exhibits required for the full SPUD approval,” said Assistant Town Manager Michelle Haynes.
Town Council will still convene for a special meeting on Thursday, August 25 at 2 p.m. to discuss a number of other items and set a new second hearing date. To view meeting material, please visit the Town Council webpage.
The new special meeting date will be communicated through all Town channels once it is scheduled by Town Council.