Mayor's Minute: February 2022
Dear Neighbors,
Mountain Village is obviously an amazing place. On their own merits, Mountain Village’s views, skiing, summer activities, and gondola system are world-class, but it is the sum of its parts that makes Mountain Village truly special. And, of course, the most important element of Mountain Village is its community members, many of whom work tirelessly to ensure Mountain Village is and remains a place like no other.
This dedication to place could not be more evident than in the public’s engagement in the Comprehensive Plan Amendment process. Since the process began over a year ago, members of the community have participated in town halls, charrettes, community surveys, and interviews with our consultant team.
During the last public comment period (held October 28-November 18), the Town Council received over 130 comments with respect to the proposed amendments. At its December 9 meeting, the public comments submitted clearly had an effect on the Town Council’s decision regarding the proposed amendments, and many of the changes Council directed staff and consultants to make stemmed directly from this feedback.
In January, the Town released the second round of revisions to the proposed amended Comprehensive Plan. These revisions include many items addressed by the community:
- Significant decrease in hotbeds
- Reduction in density the Meadows neighborhood
- Maintaining open space designations as they exist in the current Comprehensive Plan
- Elimination of reference to duplex development in the single-family zone district
- Enhanced emphasis on deed-restricted housing
Council initially directed staff to provide a second public comment period so members of the community could provide comments on these revisions.
Once again, and to our delight, the community has demonstrated significant interest in the proposed changes and has provided useful constructive feedback.
In order to accommodate and encourage additional community involvement, the Town is now extending the public comment period through March 10, 2022. The Comprehensive Plan, with all the amendments, can be found here, and public comment can be submitted here.
As demonstrated at the December 9 Council meeting, public input truly matters. We are grateful for the community’s feedback and commitment to making the revised Comprehensive Plan a document that serves Mountain Village well for years to come.
Thank you,
Laila Benitez, Mayor
Paul Wisor, Town Manager