Mountain Village Minute: January 2025
The Mountain Village Town Council held its regular monthly meeting last week on Thursday, January 16. Below you will find a recap of the meeting.
January 16 Meeting Highlights
- Assistant Town Manager Michelle (Haynes) Bulson introduced Housing Director Drew Nelson.
- Council approved a re-certification of the Mountain Village Promotional Association and Common Consumption Area with the following conditions:
- The applicant shall provide an updated insurance certificate to the Clerk's office by June 1, 2025, showing coverage for the remainder of 2025.
- The applicant will provide a summer security plan agreement before the April 24, 2025 town council meeting.
- Council voted to appoint Sterling Parks to the Ethics Commission for an alternate seat and a two-year term expiring January 2027.
- Council heard from three applicants for an open resident seat on the Village Court Apartments Resident Committee: Michael Collins, Pedro Maquera and Susan Ensor. Ensor's application had not been included in the Town Council packet material and Council felt they did not have enough information to consider the appointment. Council voted to continue this agenda item to the February 20, 2025 regular town council meeting.
- Town Manager Paul Wisor and staff presented monthly department updates. Additionally, Chief of Police Chris Broady, Forester Rodney Walters and Public Works Director Scott Pittenger presented an update on Mountain Village fire mitigation due to the recent fires in California. This article in the Telluride Daily Planet recapped that discussion.
- Council approved on first reading an ordinance amending the Town Use Tax Provisions and set a public hearing and second reading at the February 20, 2025 town council meeting.
- A first reading, setting of a public hearing and council vote on a rezone and density transfer application for Lot 908 that was originally continued from the December 12 council meeting was withdrawn from Council's consideration at the request of staff and the applicants.
- At staff's request, the following three planning items were continued to the February 20, 2025 Town Council Meeting:
- Consideration of a resolution approving a height variance application for Lot 161A-R2, Unit 1, TBD Raccoon Lane
- Consideration of a resolution approving a major subdivision for Lot 161A-R2 Unit 1 , TBD Raccoon Lane
- First reading, setting of a public hearing and council vote on an ordinance regarding a rezone of Lot 161A-R2, Unit 1, TBD Raccoon Lane
- Housing Manager Drew Nelson, Town Manager Paul Wisor and Town Attorney David McConaughy led a discussion regarding amending the Town's Your Equity Support (YES) Program guidelines, and a draft ordinance will be presented to Council in February.
- Representatives of Lot 7, TBD Vischer Drive, discussed a potential right-of-way encroachment with Council. Council provided feedback for the owners' consideration.
- HR Director Jaime Holmes and Finance Director Lizbeth Lemley presented a report on Town Council compensation compared to other equivelant resort councils and mayors. Council discussion ensued, and Council directed staff to draft an ordinance for consideration and first reading in March.
- Telluride Regional Airport Authority Manager Kenny Maenpa gave his biannual report.
- Without taking action, Town Council held executive sessions to receive legal advice on specific legal questions, to determine positions relative to matters that may be subject to negotiations, develop strategy for negotiations and/or instruct negotiators in connection with the following items:
- Acquisition of 622 Mountain Village Boulevard
- Ilium Community Housing Parcel
- Wastewater Treatment Plant
- Proposed Vacancy Tax
- Acquisition of land
- Pending litigation in Masson vs. San Miguel County et al., and Town of Mountain Village v. Alexander
- Imposition of Lift Ticket Tax
All Mountain Village Town Council meetings are live-streamed with a Zoom option for remote participation. You may watch this meeting on-demand on the Town’s website to learn more about a particular agenda item.
The next Town Council Meeting will be Thursday, February 20. Meeting material is posted to the Town's website the Friday before each meeting.
Please note: Written public comment will be included in the Town Council packet if it is received by noon the Thursday preceding the Town Council meeting. When written communication is received after the Town Council packet deadline, it will be forwarded to Town Council and the appropriate staff members and entered into the record after the Town Council meeting.