Mountain Village to host Climate Action Roadmap Public Workshop Wednesday, January 17
The Town of Mountain Village and Cascadia Consulting will hold a Climate Action Roadmap Public Workshop on Wednesday, January 17 to share information and garner public input as the two organizations work together on developing the implementation roadmap that will support the Town’s Climate Action Plan.
The workshop will be held from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the Mountain Village Town Council Chambers and is a critical step toward the future adoption of the Mountain Village Climate Action Roadmap. There will also be a virtual attendance option for those who cannot attend in person. Zoom log-in information is available on the Town’s website.
This will be an opportunity for the public to learn about the Climate Action Plan that was adopted in 2020, the forthcoming Roadmap to implement the plan and the Town’s identified priority actions. Additionally, this workshop will be an opportunity to help the public better understand their role in future implementation.
“This is an important opportunity for the public to learn about and help shape the Town's implementation plan as it relates to prioritizing and implementing actions outlined in the Town's Climate Action Plan,” said Economic Development and Sustainability Director J.D. Wise. “We look forward to sharing the work that has been done to date, hearing from the public, and incorporating this feedback into the Climate Action Roadmap, which will help guide the Town on climate action implementation.”
Following this workshop, Cascadia, along with Town staff, will incorporate public input and anticipate bringing a draft Climate Action Roadmap to Mountain Village Town Council at its February 15 Town Council Meeting.
For more information on the event, please visit: bit.ly/TMVclimateroadmapworkshop.