Mountain Village Town Council unanimously approves ordinance requiring face coverings in public businesses and transportation
At its weekly special meeting, the Mountain Village Town Council unanimously approved an emergency ordinance effective 5 p.m., Thursday, June 11 requiring face coverings to be worn inside a business that is open to the public and on public transportation within or operated by the Town of Mountain Village to help keep our community safe from the potential transmission of COVID-19/coronavirus.
The ordinance replaces a week-long emergency order Mayor Laila Benitez issued on June 4.
“As we slowly and cautiously re-open under the next phase of public heath orders, we are asking everyone to do their part to reduce the spread of infections by wearing a face covering whenever you are inside a public place of business or riding public transportation,” Benitez said.
In line with last week’s order, the ordinance includes the gondola, buses, and any shuttles operated within town limits or operated by the Town of Mountain Village.
The face covering/mask requirement applies to employees, customers and the general public. The ordinance contains a few exceptions including those under the age of 2 and those for whom a face covering would cause impairment due to an existing health condition.
Additional exemptions include: patrons seated in a restaurant consuming food and drink are not required to wear a mask while they are at their table; and persons working in a professional office who do not have face-to-face interactions with the public and other co-workers while maintaining a six-foot distance from others.
A face mask or face covering should be anything that securely covers a person’s nose and mouth and remains affixed to the face without the use of one’s hands.
The ordinance will be in effect until Town Council chooses to repeal it specifically or if Town Council repeals its resolution declaring a local disaster related to COVID-19.
“The last three months have been challenging for all of us and we ask that everyone continues working together to keep our community healthy and moving forward,” Benitez added.
For more information regarding the ordinance and other measures the Town is taking to keep residents, visitors and business owners and employees safe, please visit www.townofmountainvillage.com/coronavirus.
If any Mountain Village business needs assistance with their mask inventory or signage to notify the public of this requirement, please contact Zoe Dohnal, .