Mountain Village’s single-use plastic reduction ordinance to take effect January 1, 2023
In June 2022, the Mountain Village Town Council passed a Single-Use Plastics Reduction Ordinance to ban single-use plastic bags from all retailers and polystyrene (plastic foam such as Styrofoam) takeout food containers from all restaurants and grocers.
The ordinance also implements a $0.20 bag fee for all disposable carryout bags distributed to customers. The ban and bag fee will go into effect on January 1, 2023. Retailers must charge the disposable bag fee for 100% recycled content and recyclable bags.
The Town’s ordinance is in alignment with the State of Colorado’s House Bill 21-1162, which also passed in June of 2022, and is part of the Town of Mountain Village’s overall Climate Action Plan and goal of zero waste. The ordinance also provides consistency for visitors to the region, as the Town of Telluride also has a single-use plastic bag ban and bag fee. “We are excited for this next chapter in Mountain Village’s pursuit of zero waste living,” said Mountain Village’s Environmental Efficiencies and Grant Coordinator Lauren Kirn who will be assisting businesses with this transition. “Plastic bags and polystyrene takeout food containers are low-hanging fruit that we are excited to eliminate from the Town’s waste stream.”
This ordinance applies to any person or business that sells or provides merchandise, goods or materials directly to a customer including grocery stores, liquor stores, pharmacies, restaurants, food trucks and any other retail or apparel stores.
The Town will work with its merchants to help set them up for this new ordinance going into effect. For more information on the ordinance, please visit townofmountainvillage.com/plastics.