Paul Oupada Steps Down from Mountain Village Town Council
Categories: Government
Mountain Village Town Council member Paul Oupadia announced his resignation from the council on Thursday, August 31 effective immediately.
Paul Oupadia, along with Patrick Berry and Jack Gilbride was elected to Mountain Village Town Council on June 27 to serve four-year terms. They joined current council members Dan Jansen, Laila Benitez, Dan Caton and Bruce MacIntire who were not up for re-election. Following the election, Laila Benitez was elected Mayor of Mountain Village, and Dan Caton was elected Mayor Pro Tem serving two-year terms.
“I have spoken with Paul, and he regretfully has resigned from his town council position due to unforeseen family circumstances. Due to these conditions, he and his wife will be leaving the area,” stated Mountain Village Mayor Laila Benitez.The Town of Mountain Village Home Rule Charter dictates that within forty-five days after a vacancy occurs in the office of Town Councilor, the remaining members of the Town Council shall, by majority vote, appoint a successor to fill such vacancy, provided no more than three vacancies are to be filled at one time. The appointed Town Councilor shall then serve out the unexpired terms of their predecessor. Town Council will appoint one new council member by a majority vote at its next regular meeting to be held on September 21. To qualify one must be a registered elector who has maintained legal residency with the town for at least 120 days immediately preceding the appointment. A Letter of Intent and Candidate Biographical Information Sheet must be submitted via by 5 p.m. on September 19 to the Clerk’s Office. For more information, please contact Jackie Kennefick, Director of Administration/Town Clerk by .