Town Council approves second reading of ordinance to place five charter amendment questions on June 24, 2025 ballot
On Thursday, July 18, the Mountain Village Town Council voted unanimously to approve an ordinance placing five ballot questions to amend the Town Charter. The ballot questions will be voted on in Mountain Village’s next regular election, which is set for June 24, 2025.
The approved ballot questions will ask qualified Town electors to determine whether to:
- amend Section 2.3 of the Charter to establish voting rights in municipal elections to non-resident homeowners with home ownership via an LLC or trust
- amend Section 5.2 of the Charter to require all non-emergency ordinances to be published twice and to become effective 14 days after publication following second reading and amend Section 5.4 of the Charter to provide that any referendum must be filed before that effective date
- amend section 5.9 of the Charter to authorize publication of ordinances and public notices via the Town’s official website
- amend Section 8.5 of the Charter to eliminate the requirement for an election to authorize revenue bonds
- eliminate a conflict between Section 12.1 of the Charter and the Town’s Municipal Code regarding terms of Design Review Board members
Mountain Village is one of just a handful of communities in the United States that currently allows non-resident homeowners to vote in municipal elections. However, the current Charter provides that a non-resident (second homeowner) may only register to vote if they hold title to their Mountain Village property in their own name. The proposed amendment would allow natural persons to vote even if their property is titled in the name of their trust or LLC, but only for residential properties.
The Charter currently allows those who live in Mountain Village 18 or over full-time may register to vote regardless of whether or not they own property and how it is owned. This would not change.
The Town intends to provide the community with neutral, fact-based materials on all proposed Charter changes prior to the June 2025 regular election.