Town Council to consider application for Lot 109R hotel project PUD amendment Thursday, June 15
At its regularly scheduled meeting on Thursday, June 15, the Mountain Village Town Council is scheduled to consider the pending application for a Major Planned Unit Development (PUD) Amendment to the existing Lot 109R PUD.
At its January 19 meeting, Town Council voted 6-1 to direct staff to draft a resolution of denial for Council’s subsequent consideration.
At its March 17 meeting, Council considered the motion and associated resolution to deny the application. After hearing from the applicant, Town Council directed staff to work with the applicant so that the applicant could better address outstanding questions raised in the staff report and come back to Council on June 15.
“Pursuant to Council’s direction, staff has worked diligently with the applicant over the course of the last several months,” said Town Manager Paul Wisor. “Council will again consider the application at a public hearing on June 15.”
The consideration is scheduled to begin at 3:35 p.m.
The project applicant is Tiara Telluride, LLC which owns the Mountain Village Hotel site, located where North Village Center Parking lot currently sits. The 109R PUD (also known as Mountain Village Hotel PUD) was first approved in 2010 and has received three PUD amendments that extended its vesting period and is now set to expire in September 2023.
The luxury hotel brand Six Senses has provided a letter of intent to operate the proposed hotel. The project proposes 50 hotbeds, 20 condominiums, 31 lodge units, 18 employee dorms, 2 employee apartments, restaurants, conference space, hotel amenity spaces and improvements to Village Center plazas.
To view the application material, please visit the Town’s current planning webpage at townofmountainvillage.com/current-planning.
Written public comments on the proposal may be addressed to Town Council and sent to .
The public is invited to attend all hearings meetings virtually or in person. Meeting info and Zoom log-in information is posted on the Town’s website.