Town Council to consider major subdivision application for site formerly known as Rosewood
On Thursday, February 16, the Mountain Village Town Council will consider a resolution regarding a major subdivision for Lots 126R and 152R (formerly known as Rosewood). They will also hear a density transfer and rezone ordinance proposing to significantly reduce the properties' density to nine single-family lots on Lot 126R and one employee unit and eight condominium units on Lot 152R.
The property owner, BASE Telluride LLC, and its agent Design Workshop, are also requesting to reconfigure the open space tracts with no reduction of passive open space acreage.
The applicant is not proposing any subdivision changes to Lot 152R.
Earlier this month, The Mountain Village Design Review Board voted 7-0 to provide a recommendation to Town Council to approve the major subdivision and density transfer and rezone applications, with a number of conditions.
These two properties were once approved under the Rosewood Planned Unit Development (PUD) for a large-scale, mixed-use hotel development that included more than 35,000 square feet of commercial space under a PUD in 2007.
That PUD’s vested rights and approvals were extended in 2010 and 2013 and ultimately expired in 2018. However, the Town and the properties' then-owners entered into a Standstill Agreement that provided an extended period for parties to explore potentially amending the PUD. The Standstill Agreement was terminated in June of 2020, and BASE Telluride LLC purchased the properties in September 2021 and engaged with the Town, community members and neighbors to guide their development proposal and ultimately reduced the property’s density.
“When the PUD expired, all of the properties’ density and platting remained, and that is why they’re asking for a density transfer and rezone process,” said Community Development Director Amy Ward. “The applicant worked closely with the neighborhood to propose density and zoning more compatible with the single-family development pattern on Country Club Drive.”
To view the application material, please visit the Town’s current planning webpage at townofmountainvillage.com/current-planning.
Written public comments on the proposal may be addressed to Town Council and sent to .
Town Council is scheduled to begin discussing these items at 4:25 p.m. on Thursday, February 16. Please note that agenda times are subject to change, and the latest agenda is available on the Town’s website.
The public is invited to attend all hearings meetings virtually or in person. Meeting info and Zoom log-in information are available on the Town Council webpage as well.