Alexander Property in Ilium Valley

The Town is actively building community housing on two Town-owned properties within the boundaries of Mountain Village: 29 for-sale units (comprised of 65 bedrooms) at Meadowlark and 35 rental units (comprised of 88 bedrooms) at Village Court Apartments Phase IV.
Recognizing the reality there are now few, limited, opportunities for community housing within the Mountain Village Town boundaries, the Town has been actively seeking opportunities beyond its borders to address the regional housing crisis.
The Town has seized on the opportunity to acquire 56.3 acres of land in Ilium Valley, which is in unincorporated San Miguel County. This opportunity became a priority to the Town Council given its proximity to Mountain Village and the Town of Telluride as well as the potential to meaningfully address the long-term regional housing need.
The Town is currently under a purchase and sale agreement to purchase the 56.3 acres, commonly referred to as the Alexander Property. See map of the property below.

The Town has been under contract to purchase the Alexander property since August 2022. During that time, Town staff, working with an array of consultants, has conducted a variety of feasibility studies to confirm the property is capable of supporting meaningful community housing. Such studies have analyzed the ability of the Town to provide water and wastewater services, construct other infrastructure such as roads, and address traffic impacts.
The property is identified in the County’s Master Plan as an area for development of affordable housing, so long as services can be provided. The property is adjacent to residential and mixed-use properties and regional transportation already serves Ilium Valley.
The Town anticipates actively seeking regional development and funding partners for this project.
For any questions related to this property, please email .
Community Housing Rezone Application
On Thursday, July 13 the San Miguel County Planning Commission approved the Town's application to rezone this property from forestry/agriculture to a Community Housing Zone District. The San Miguel County Board of County Commissioners approved the rezone on Wednesday, August 16. Learn more.
Next steps
The Town purchased the property on September 27, 2023. Learn more. It will now work toward a full development plan and application to be presented to the county at a future date.