Mountain Village Housing Authority

As of January 1, 2022, the Mountain Village Housing Authority administers its own affordable housing program for all deed-restricted properties with the Town of Mountain Village. For information on the deed-restricted properties located in the Town of Mountain Village, please email .
To apply to own or rent a deed-restricted property in Mountain Village, please see below.
Deed Restriction Types in Mountain Village
There are three types of deed restrictions in the Town of Mountain Village with differing qualifying requirements - the Employee Housing Restriction (EHR), Affordable Housing Restriction (AHR) and Coyote Court.
The majority of Mountain Village affordable housing inventory operates under our EHR deed restriction. AHR applies to a small number of properties within Mountain Village: Castelina and Cassidy Ridge. Coyote Court units are subject to the EHR documents and the Mountain Village Housing Authority Town Built Properties Operating Document. If you are interested in buying or selling a Coyote Court unit at this time, please email for guidance and the appropriate applications and documentation.
If you are applying for Castellina or Cassidy Ridge, please email to apply.
For those interested in renting or purchasing any other deed-restricted unit in Mountain Village (EHR or Coyote Court), please fill out the electronic form below. Please note: this application is not for the future Lot 644 Development. Lottery details and application will be released this spring.
Please note that applicable service fees apply.
Contact MVHA staff
Below you will find a list of all deed-restricted units and lots divided into two categories: Employee Housing Restriction (EHR) and Affordable Housing Restriction (AHR).