Town of Norwood housing development

The Town of Mountain Village purchased 37.6 acres of land adjacent to the Town of Norwood on December 10, 2021 with the sole purpose of developing attainable housing for the region. Mountain Village will be working closely with the Town of Norwood to make sure this project properly meets the needs of the region and the Norwood community.
The property is located at 1545 S Spruce Street. There is currently one existing single-family home on the property, which the Town will continue to rent until development makes occupation of the unit impractical.
To date, the Town of Mountain Village submitted two applications to 1) annex the property into the Town of Norwood and 2)rezone the property to R-1 Residential. Both approvals occurred on February 28, 2022. Please review the supporting applications and documents below.
The Town of Mountain Village will share updates on this project through this webpage. In the meantime, please feel free to send the Town any questions or comments through the form below.
Next Steps
Next Steps:
- The Town of Mountain Village will hold interviews and community meetings to understand the community’s perspective on the proposed development of the lot as well as the needs created by such development.
- On June 27 join us at the Lone Cone Library from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. to ask questions and provide community feedback on the project.
- After receiving community feedback, the Town will filed an application to pursue a major subdivision process which requires three development review steps:
- Conceptual
- Preliminary
- Final Subdivision Review and Approval
- We anticipate the subdivision process to span from midsummer thru November
Community feedback
The Town of Mountain Village would love to hear from you!
The Town has heard early on in the process that this proposal could benefit the region and the Norwood community in a number of ways that have not yet been defined. Some of those benefits include: childcare, school district, fire department, Town of Norwood and transportation needs.
We look forward to hearing what needs are most important to the Norwood community.
While many questions remain from the community (water availability or traffic impacts), we intend to provide studies through the subdivision process to address these concerns and questions.
Have questions?
To submit questions or comments about this development, please fill out the form below.