Village Court Apartments Phase IV

In its commitment to offering a wide variety of affordable housing for the community, the Town of Mountain Village has added two more buildings to Vlliage Court Apartments.
This project adds 88 beds in bedrooms in 35 units to the Town's affordable rental inventory.
Project Background
Triumph Development West is the project developer, and Shaw Construction is the general contractor. Ground broke on the project in April 2023, and modular buildings for the East building and the West building modular were delivered in November 2023 and February 2024.
The estimated total cost of the project was roughly $20.29 million. The Town received a $2.225 million grant from the Department of Local Affairs' Transformation Housing Grant program to fund infrastructure and construction costs associated with the expansion of Village Court Apartments. Read more.
Triumph Development West is the project developer, and Shaw Construction is the general contractor.
Unit Allocation
The East building has eight one-bedroom units and thirteen two-bedroom units, for a total of 34 bedrooms. The Town prioritized its public waitlist and transfer waitlist to allocating units. A handful of two-bedroom units remain available. The waitlist for two-bedroom units opened August 15.
The West Building is comprised of 13 units 4-bedroom suites and one three-bedroom unit with a storage room on the lower level. These buildings will be rented out through the Master Lease Program outlined below.