
The Town of Mountain Village is currently working to achieve zero-waste, which means reducing the amount of trash sent to landfills from our community.
Food and yard waste can take up as much as 30 percent of your trash bin. By composting, you can significantly reduce the amount of waste you send to the landfill, and help the Mountain Village community achieve our zero-waste goals. The Town of Mountain Village is offering a rebate of 30% on composting services through the Composting Incentive Program. The program is open to businesses and homeowners associations (HOAs) located in Mountain Village. The Town also has free 2.5-gallon at-home collection buckets available for use by HOAs.
The incentive is made possible in collaboration with San Miguel County through a grant from the USDA. This program is expected to run through April 2025.
Composting Service Providers
The Telluride Region is currently served by two composting service providers:
Bruin Waste Management
Contact to learn more:
Website: Bruin Waste Composting Sign-Up
Dirty Sturdy's Mountain Compost
Contact to learn more:
Website: Compost | Dirty Sturdy's Mountain Compost (
Please contact Lauren Kirn with any questions:
If you are a business or HOA located in the Town of Telluride that is interested in composting, please contact Darin Graber at